srijeda, 29. veljače 2012.
utorak, 28. veljače 2012.
ponedjeljak, 27. veljače 2012.
subota, 25. veljače 2012.
petak, 24. veljače 2012.
četvrtak, 23. veljače 2012.
Kako se pljesce drugu Staljinu!
One of Solzhenitsyn's most chilling stories concerned a birthday party for Comrade Stalin, held in a small, out-of-the-way town. Stalin was, of course, no where in sight, but still there were speeches and applause. Without thinking, the mayor of the town rose and exhorted his fellows to one last cheer for the evening to the honor of Stalin.
The applause continued for minutes without stopping and everyone was growing weary, but who would dare to be the first to stop clapping? As the labored applause wore on an old man collapsed. Finally the mayor allowed his arms to drop and the noise died. The next evening the mayor was sentenced to the gulag, and no charges were ever spoken against him. As he stepped into the train, a party official whispered into his ear, "Never be the first one to stop clapping."
One of Solzhenitsyn's most chilling stories concerned a birthday party for Comrade Stalin, held in a small, out-of-the-way town. Stalin was, of course, no where in sight, but still there were speeches and applause. Without thinking, the mayor of the town rose and exhorted his fellows to one last cheer for the evening to the honor of Stalin.
The applause continued for minutes without stopping and everyone was growing weary, but who would dare to be the first to stop clapping? As the labored applause wore on an old man collapsed. Finally the mayor allowed his arms to drop and the noise died. The next evening the mayor was sentenced to the gulag, and no charges were ever spoken against him. As he stepped into the train, a party official whispered into his ear, "Never be the first one to stop clapping."
Stalin standing ovation
Tovarich Stalin addressing a suspiciously enthusiastic audience in 1944 -- no one would be the first to stop clapping unless a bell ordered them to do so.
srijeda, 22. veljače 2012.
utorak, 21. veljače 2012.
subota, 18. veljače 2012.
četvrtak, 16. veljače 2012.
srijeda, 15. veljače 2012.
utorak, 14. veljače 2012.
ponedjeljak, 13. veljače 2012.
nedjelja, 12. veljače 2012.
subota, 11. veljače 2012.
petak, 10. veljače 2012.
Nevenka Bečić o zimskim problemima u Splitu
Nevenka Bečić: "Svi građani koji su izlazili vani, a nisu imali potrebe izlazit su sami odgovorni ako im se nešto desilo. Nadalje, ako se radi o starijim sugrađanima, pa svi stariji bi trebali imat ili svoju djecu, a djeca su po zakonu dužna da skrbe o roditeljima, a ukol'ko nemaju djecu, onda su mogli imat nećake ili nećakinje i tijekom života uspostavljat s njima korektne odnose, a ako nemaju nećake i nećakinje, a onda imaju susjede pa su trebali gradit dobrosusjedske odnose".
Katja Kušec: "Vidjeli smo danas u programu HRT-a da je riva potpuno zaleđena."
Nevenka Bečić: "Pa šta je tribalo ić na rivu?"
Katja Kušec: "Pa, vjerojatno ljudi imaju potrebe."
Nevenka Bečić: "A, čekajte, čekajte, čekajte gospođo: 'ko to ide negdje gdje je skroz zaleđeno?"
Katja Kušec: "A i Marmontova je zaleđena, također."
Nevenka Bečić: "Pa zašto treba ić Marmontovom, ima i druga ulica. Nije samo Marmontova i riva. Prema tome preporuka je svih ljudi od struke bila da se ne izlazi vani ukol'ko nije potrebno izić vani. Ukol'ko nije viša sila u pitanju."
Katja Kušec: "A kako ćete se nosit sa činjenicom da bi svaka tužba mogla iznositi...negdje u visini od 15 000 eura. Kako će grad to podnijeti?"
Nevenka Bečić: "Pa, gospođo, svak svakoga može tužit, al' u toj tužbi sigurno neće uspit"
Katja Kušec: "A jel ima grad možda novce ako neka od tužbi bude na korist građana?"
Nevenka Bečić: "Ali ne mogu je dobit jer postoji suodgovornost, tako da to što vi govorite apsolutno ne stoji."
"Izjave nisu vrijedne komentara, to su nebuloze, ja se ne mogu čudom načuditi, pa kuda će ljudi doći u bolnicu nego tim cestama koje vode do bolnice", komentirao je Marasović u Dnevniku izjave Nevenke Bečić.
Hvala Fiji za hint
četvrtak, 9. veljače 2012.
Expendables 2 Contra Game Over arnold schwarzenegger and sylvester stallone
Just when you thought the Internet couldn't get any better, Arnold Schwarzengger goes and tweets a photo of himself and Sylvester Stallone at the hospital getting shoulder surgeries.
utorak, 7. veljače 2012.
ponedjeljak, 6. veljače 2012.
subota, 4. veljače 2012.
petak, 3. veljače 2012.
četvrtak, 2. veljače 2012.
srijeda, 1. veljače 2012.
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