subota, 19. ožujka 2011.

James Brown, Olympia 1967

Hot Chocolate - Every 1's a winner 1978


Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music

Jean Jacques Perrey : Chicken On The Rocks

Ranko Zidarić: Zbog ljubavi sam često gubio razum

Zagrebački glumac život ne može zamisliti bez dobrog humora, odlične kuhinje i “obiteljske meditacije” daleko u prirodi

Rijetko se koji glumac zna tako dobro šaliti na svoj račun kao Ranko Zidarić. U najnovijoj domaćoj sapunici Nove TV “Pod sretnom zvijezdom” 46-godišnji glumac tumači poduzetnika koji u krizi srednjih godina napušta suprugu zbog zgodne ljubavnice. - Za razliku od Martina Vrbana kojeg glumim, ja sam rođen pod crvenom zvijezdom za vrijeme komunizma. Ali i meni je kao i njemu ljubav u životu često pomutila razum. Na sreću, sve se dobro završilo, happy endom - kaže Ranko koji na krizu srednjih godina samo odmahuje rukom.

Više na ovoj stranici

Niki Belucci

Niki Belucci, real name: Hungarian: Pósán Nikolett (born March 10, 1983) is a Hungarian erotic House music DJ, often seen hosting events nearly topless. She is also known for her childhood gymnastics achievements and her six months spent as a pornographic actress when she appeared in 29 hardcore films.

Electric Eel Shock

Electric Eel Shock je tročlani bend koji dolazi čak iz dalekog Japana. Dečki sviraju neku mješavinu rocka, punka, metala i tkoznačega. Iako na našim prostorima potpuno nepoznati, bend je počeo sa svirkom još krajem 90ih, te osim u rodnom Japanu stekao respektabilan status u zapadnoj Europi i SAD-u.

2008. su nastupili i u Zagrebu (Boogaloo).

Movie posters from GHANA - part 10

Thanks to bollox from cinemageddon for collecting them from various sources.

"Should we pull out of Viet Nam?" asks news crews of Actor Robert Mitchum in 1966. He answers.

Robert Mitchum - Little Old Wine Drinker Me (1967)

Arnold 365, Day 77 (Conan the Barbarian)

TV Beograd - Sportski pregled (špica)

ExYU reklame - LIEBIG Agrokomerc (198x, 1990)

Grudnjak - sexy reklama - EPP TV Zagreb JRT

srijeda, 16. ožujka 2011.

HAARP - Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura

HAARP, or the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, was developed by international oil companies as a high-powered way to communicate with submarines utilizing extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves to penetrate the ocean. When the U.S. military realized its potency, it bought HAARP.

Now, some experts say, it also has a more nefarious purpose: to penetrate human skulls and control the minds of its victims.

HAARP is housed in a massive 35 acre, 180 tower complex in Gakona, AK. The antennas can shoot 3.6 million watts of powerful radio waves into the uppermost part of the Earth's atmosphere, heating it up and creating irregularities that cause the ionosphere to bounce the radio signals back to the ground. But many skeptical Alaskans believe that HAARP is actually a sophisticated weapons system that can destroy incoming missiles, manipulate the weather and even control human brains.

Drive Angry - Amber Heard

Drive Angry

Pogledaj me, nevernice (1974)

Aleksandar Stojic - Kad bi ove ruze male

Sinking Of Japan Disaster Scenes

"The Sinking of Japan" (2006) trailer

Braca Bajic - Tiho noci

Toma Zdravkovic - Dva smo sveta razlicita (Uzivo '87)

Starship Troopers - Commentary gone WILD...Paul Verhoeven

Radim Ko Crnac

Arnold 365, Day 74 (Conan the Destroyer)